Saturday, August 30, 2008

Jenn's HM-Week 16 & other updates

The good first! I ran Monday through Friday this week, making it a grand total of 19 miles ran!! My legs certainly are sore and I decided to take the morning off to let them rest, no joke. I did do a little better on drinking water but need to continue to get back to where I was. As far as the crunches and video, I didn't do them even once! I'll set a certain time this week to see if that helps.

My more specific goals:

Saturday-4:00pm, video and 50 crunches
Monday-6:30am, run 4 miles; 4:00pm crunches
Tuesday-6:30am, run 4 miles; 4:00pm video
Wednesday-6:30am, run 4 miles; 4:00pm crunches
Thursday-6:30am, run 4 miles; 4:00pm video
Friday-6:30am, run 4 miles; 4:00pm crunches

  • drink all water
  • no fried foods! & overall healthy choices

I have been trying to get Mallorie to recognize the letters of the alphabet. She can recognize A,a,B,b,G,K,k,M,m,O,o,R,r,S,s,X, and x!! She's doing well! It's neat to see her sponge up the information and then when we are in a store or something point at a letter and say "That's a ___!" She's also even understanding how the letters sound! Funny story, we were going through the alphabet with flash cards. We got to "Gg" and after we said "G" mallorie goes "Like Slim Jim!"(yes, she likes Slim Jim's) At first I was like, no Jim begins with a J, but my mom overheard and reminded me that a "Gym" begins with a "G"....Wow!! Mallorie is really getting it!--I couldn't believe it. It's neat to see the transfer of information.

Good luck this week, everyone!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the book

I just posted an excerpt from "The Death of Flora May" on my blog. Please read and comment. Feedback is vital!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Several Things...

Still working on keeping the house clean, it's a struggle with amazing Anjali the mess-maker. Trying to do a little bit everyday.

The novel editing is going well, it's hard to find the time, but I'm getting there. Fai is now reading it as I edit, and giving me some great comments and suggestion. Got a copy of Writer's Market 2009. This weekend Fai is going to start my website. My hope is that soon it will be all ready to start the search for an agent/publisher. Again, trying to do a little everyday. I want to be done editing by mid-Sept.

And now Anjali is sleeping in a big girl bed, I've started a quilt. My big fear is that I'll run out of fabric for it. I want to finish the quilt by the end of September.

Those are my three goals: A cleaner house, the novel finished, and a quilt for Anjali.