Friday, May 30, 2008

Jenn's HM-Week 3

Good News & Bad News. The bad first...I wasn't able to run as much as my goal this week due to planning of someone to watch Mal, again. Still working on it though. The good...Somehow between these two weeks of running a little, doing the video every other day, and drinking more water, I've lost 3 or 4 lbs!! It's hard to tell exactly on my scale because it is el cheapo, but good enough for me. So if I can just get the running thing a habit with everyone I should be able to shed these pounds by the grace of God:P Too bad it has to be a family affair just for me to run, but once it's a habit again it should be easy to keep the schedule.

On to week 3!
1. Almost all water(one soda per day)
2. Video every other day
3. Obtain running habit!

How's everyone out there doing this week?!
Have a great weekend!


Mrs. Blimes said...

going ok...more babysitting than exercising though...although that pretty much feels like working out! i actually cancelled aerobics one night this week

Bad Quesas Bad

Stephanie said...

last week was fun, got spend time with all you guys and jazzy's kids. the bus ride to naples was LONG haha but i enjoyed it. i will have more updates next week.

oh and my nephew is even cuter than he is in the pictures