Sunday, May 18, 2008

Marquesas, On Health...

Ok, so I'm pretty sure all of us contributors can post in here too (right jenn?) If not, I am so sorry I just hi-jacked your blog!!! lol Any way, I figured I would chime in with my health goals... as most of yall know I teach aerobics at the church 2 days a week. Well, I used to supplement that with going to the gym 3 days a week but lately (well, for the past like 2 months) I have been wimping out of my strength training... So my goal is this... go back to the gym atleast once next week and maybe try to squeeze in 2 trips. Whew, I'm getting tired just thinking about it... Also I need to be drinking more water and yucky milk so my bones don't rot away to nothing... And probably eat less chocolate, but I make no promises there. A girls gotta have one vice right???

So, to follow Jenn I will make a list so my goals will be clearly documented...

1. Hit the gym atleast 1 day this week. (yes, I am that hard core ladies)

2. Drink more water... (and disgusting milk) so I don't become the woman with no bones.

3. eat a little less chocolate...I'm not cutting it out all together... YOU CAN"T MAKE ME!!!!! (ok, i need to one is trying to take my chocolate away....) deep breath....

Alright, if any of the other contributors have health goals...where are they??? What are they??? We need to know so we can hound you till they get met... LOL Just kidding, have a great week everyone!


Jenn said...

YAY! Goals! Hijack the blog, girl you make me laugh:P Anyway, I didn't know you were teaching at the church. I thought when you said you were teaching aerobics that you meant at a gym. How many people come?! That's awesome! I wish you were in the branch cuz I would take advantage of you...did that come out wrong?! Scume...

We won't be chocolate nazi's, but that is a good goal if it is your weakness.

Jenn said...

By the way...

Great illustration, "If only..."!

Olivia said...

lol, go buy some ovaltine and just suck up that milk girl! make hot chocolate! HA! Then you' be getting that calcium, and a bunch of other stuff you need, and a chocolate fix all at once!