Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Creating A Habit

The infamous "They" say once you do something 3 times it's a habit. So I would like to think that since I have gotten up 3 mornings in a row(Sat., Mon.,Tues.) to run that it is a habit now!! Yesterday I ran 6.25 miles total, between the morning and at night. I'm still on track with the water...now all I need to do is add in the video a few times this week and maybe all of it will finally be a habit!! Today I look on habits in a positive manner...Hooray for Good Habits!


MomOnAMission said...

Sounds like a good plan. I can only imagine running that far! Keep up the good work!

Mrs. Blimes said...

wow!!! 6 miles!!! you are amazing!!!

ps... i got something wonderful in the mail yesterday!!! thank you!