Monday, July 28, 2008

Marathon Clean

So yesterday I couldn't stand how dirty my house had gotten any more. We'd been out and about all weekend, and on Saturday we discovered mold in the basement, so had to drag up all the pet stuff and some other stuff from down there, so the house was a serious MESS. Yesterday, with Faiyaz's help, we got four loads of laundry done, and he vacuumed under the couch cushions. I cleaned the kitchen counters, the stove, did the dishes, cleared off the table, vacuumed the living room and washed the dog. Also got all the laundry put up. Today I'm going to clean out our entry way, sweep and mop the kitchen and entry way, dust downstairs, and clean both the downstairs and upstairs bathroom. I'm also going grocery shopping and I'm going to take Anjali to the playground. I'm going to try not to nap today, or if I do nap, make it an hour or less.

Is your house starting to get out of control? Are the little jobs you don't do daily starting to pile up? Are you just getting by day by day? Join me in a two week long marathon day. Every day I'm going to make a list of big tasks, beyond the usual cooking and dishes, that need to get done. After the marathon clean, I'm hoping to start a new cleaning plan to prevent it from getting this bad again. And I'm not letting myself make excuses for it any more. Yes, I'm pregnant, sick, and I have a two year old, but I need a clean home. I've used FlyLady in the past, and it was helpful, but it's not a system that really works for me, so I'm going to try making my own. Wanna Marathon Clean with me? I won't bore everyone by posting daily how it's going, but I'll try doing an update in three or four days.

PS-Again, don't assume my house is worse than it is, it's livable, I just want every nook and cranny to be really, really clean.


The Miller Family said...

Ooooooh....this post is SO up my alley! Before I had John Morgan (and possibly for the first time in my adult life) my house was always clean! I lived for cleaning my house...there's just nothing better than coming home to a nice, organized, clean house!

Yeah, fast forward 4 months, and all you see is messy, messy, messy...if you can even see that!

I'll join you on your Marathon Clean...starting tomorrow (we have a super-busy line up today).

Thanks for the's just what I needed!

Jenn said...

I feel the same way...there are some rooms in our house that stay cluttered because we only have ONE CLOSET(and 12 rooms!!)!! In old homes they didn't have many closets because a long time ago you got taxed per closet!! Weird, and we pay the price now in clutter!

Anywho, I'll attempt to join you in your Marathon does make you feel good to be in a clean uncluttered home. I've been putting it off too long anyway!

Here's to clutter-free homes!

By the way though, I would love for you to post everyday if you can! It wouldn't bore me at a matter of fact I need the motivation!

Thanks Olivia, I'll join Lindsey in saying great inspirational post!