Sunday, June 29, 2008

Jenn's HM-Week 7

Quick health update:

I ran 3 days last week...2 days it rained at night, so a little excuse:P So I ran 12 miles last week.
I drank mostly water, but a few more sodas than the week prior, so I've gotta get back to my water habit.
I did find the strength training video, so I'll be doing it next week!
I've lost 5 lbs total and most of all, I've noticed losing inches. With all the running I've gained some muscle too, so I'm excited and pleased with the results so far!

Goals for next week:
1.Run 20 miles total
2.Drink a lot of water
3.Do the video 3 times some more investigation on the "Eat to Live" book
Thanks MomOnAMission for the insight! I had already been thinking about this saying that an older friend of mine used to say(I was only about 8 years old when I overheard him say this, funny how some things just stick...)
"Eat to live, don't live to eat"

1 comment:

MomOnAMission said...

I have heard that saying in various forms all my life. And we were always told "You are what you eat!" Lately I've taken to saying to my children... "You're going to turn into a _______!" for whatever they are eating too much of!

I'm enjoying sharing with all of you! Thanks for having me here!

I think I'll post my goals for the week...