Friday, June 27, 2008

Weigh-In Day

Since I burned the tar out of my thumb taking a pizza out of the oven (while feeding the missionaries, mind you) my post will be short and sweet.

I lost 2.4 pounds this week! Grand total: 12.6 pounds! Woo-hoo! (We'll see next week though. I have my monthly visitor staying this week, so that could play a part next weigh-in.)

This weeks goals include:
1. some type of exercise...let's try three times a week
2. lay off the sweets so much
3. try to get to bed by midnight each night

Hope you all have a great weekend!


MomOnAMission said...

Put some aloe on that thumb! Sorry you burned it.

Your goals are great... I need to set some and publish them so you guys can keep me honest!

The Miller Family said...

Yeah, apparently you can't find aloe at any local grocery store...we're going to stop by a Lowe's or Home Depot this morning to see if maybe the carry one in their garden section! Man, we miss Florida!