Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"Being Good"

I have just read the health posts, and Jenn and Marquesas, I think it is awesome that y'all posted up your health goals! I have been seriously considering doing that too not only on this blog, but also on my own, because of the whole "accountability" thing. I really want to start "being good"...somewhere deep down, I do. I don't want any of this extra poundage that I have, and I always say "I'm starting tomorrow!" But then there is this delicious looking cookie staring at me in the face and I eat it and then I think all is lost and "I will start tomorrow!" It is a vicious cycle, and yet so cliche, as well. I am a cliche. Awesome. :( So...before I post up that I am going to start "being good" (because I don't want to let myself down again), I would love some advice/ help on how to get the motivation to just do it and stick to it! Any ideas?

Jenn, thanks for inviting me to share on this blog! Marquesas, you crack me up..."woman with no bones"...haha ;)


Jenn said...

Hey Kim!
Well, I know for me, I have to take the long term perspective and set it aside. Does that sound weird? For some reason when I think day by day that I need to just be continually set on my goal, it just seems to unravel into an achievement after a while. I guess my advice is to have daily goals rather than huge-sounding unattainable goals. Be specific about what you want to achieve and how you are going to go about achieving it.
And...remember to reward yourself, even if it's just a pat on the back. Positive thinking goes a long way:P

Olivia said...

sorry, kim, for "hijacking" (marquesas's word) your post, but this is to Jenn, and I wanted to make sure she saw it. Jenn, I want to contribute! I want to contribute! come on, jenn-beast, what's a girl got to do?