Saturday, May 24, 2008

Stephanie's Staying Sane Support

oh how I do love aliteration! Ok so I just joined this wonderful blog, and I am so excited. And since this is courage and encouragment for women, the one thing that we all battle is not loosing our minds. Now this is wether we are mothers, sisters, wives, students, teachers, workers... whatever it is that we do, we always seem to be so busy. We tend to put our whole selves into our work and when we "mess" up (burn the roast for dinner, forget to give our mom's a mothers day card, yell at our kids...) oh, how it can be the end of the world. Stressing and venting, venting and stressing, sound familiar to anyone?

It has only been recently that I finally, truly understood an amazing saying. The saying goes: "Let go, and Let God." Simple right? Well I have been told this saying in various forms and I was always like, "of course. I do that all the time, whatever." And for the past couple of years I have been hearing it from MJ. She has drilled it into my mind pretty much, thanks girl! But it wasnt until I learned the power of acceptance (aaaaahhhhh - written in big gold sparkling letters and spoken with an echo) that I began to understand this phrase. You see, I have never been one for letting things go and accepting the fact that is the fact. I always felt that if I worried enough or fought the outcome enough that what "I" thought was right, would turn out right. I never stopped to think that what the magnificant me thinks is right may not be "right". So when I understood that things happen the way the meant to and that things are the exact way they are no matter what! and when I stopped dwelling on the fact that I wanted it to be different or that it wasnt fair, that was when I realized that now, I was letting go and letting God take over for me. And you know what? I feel Good.

let go and let God

Now dont get me wrong, there are still many times when I need to vent. Venting is good, as long as that is not all we are doing. If we can vent and let it all out and then assess and help to heal the situation then BRING ON THE VENTING! So my words of encouragment for today and to take a couple minutes to really think about things and if you need to vent about something no matter how major or minor it is, let it out. And write it in here, and all of us strong powerful women can work together to make eachother continue on in greatness!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Gimme an "M"!!!!

Ok so I actually did a pretty decent job this week... I made it to the gym not only once but TWICE!!!! woot! woot! I have been drinking a lot more water and I really tried to step our aerobics class up a notch yesterday!

There's only one small problem...I made a French Silk Pie yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, the chocolate issue is well, still an issue! LOL I feel justified in my indulgence however b/c I did such a great job otherwise!

Anywho...yay for me and yay for all of us!!! Let's make next week even better!!!

Jenn's HM-Week 2

Update from week 1- I had problems running as much as I wanted to, but only because of trying to work out someone to watch Mallorie while I ran. At night, Joe has to come down to the pond with me for security reasons and my mom has to be able to watch her...and in the mornings everyone is usually already on their way to work. I will either have to work out the details a little better or unfortunately cut down the amount I run:( I was able to do the video every other day since Mallorie could do it with me...or she thought she was anyway! After I commented that I wasn't doing well with the drinking water goal, I got better about it. Somehow writing on here helps me to do better. If I wasn't drinking water I was either drinking milk or orange juice instead of soda (though I did have one or two this week). So, overall pretty good for week one.

Week 2- So here are my re-evaluated goals:
1. Run once a day(whenever I can arrange someone to watch Mallorie), but at least
every other day.
2. Video every other day.
3. Drink water and avoid soda.

Thanks everyone!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"Being Good"

I have just read the health posts, and Jenn and Marquesas, I think it is awesome that y'all posted up your health goals! I have been seriously considering doing that too not only on this blog, but also on my own, because of the whole "accountability" thing. I really want to start "being good"...somewhere deep down, I do. I don't want any of this extra poundage that I have, and I always say "I'm starting tomorrow!" But then there is this delicious looking cookie staring at me in the face and I eat it and then I think all is lost and "I will start tomorrow!" It is a vicious cycle, and yet so cliche, as well. I am a cliche. Awesome. :( So...before I post up that I am going to start "being good" (because I don't want to let myself down again), I would love some advice/ help on how to get the motivation to just do it and stick to it! Any ideas?

Jenn, thanks for inviting me to share on this blog! Marquesas, you crack me up..."woman with no bones"...haha ;)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tip Junkie

So, I saw this link on Lindsey's website, kudos:P I think we could submit some tips, like the ones y'all had about fun ways to teach the alphabet. I'm sure we'll have others as we go...never hurts to try! Plus, this is a great way for others to benefit from our site and ideas. Let us know if you submit a tip to her site and we'll put the "I was featured" button on our site.

She also gives alot of good tips on blogging. Blog party anyone?!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Marquesas, On Health...

Ok, so I'm pretty sure all of us contributors can post in here too (right jenn?) If not, I am so sorry I just hi-jacked your blog!!! lol Any way, I figured I would chime in with my health goals... as most of yall know I teach aerobics at the church 2 days a week. Well, I used to supplement that with going to the gym 3 days a week but lately (well, for the past like 2 months) I have been wimping out of my strength training... So my goal is this... go back to the gym atleast once next week and maybe try to squeeze in 2 trips. Whew, I'm getting tired just thinking about it... Also I need to be drinking more water and yucky milk so my bones don't rot away to nothing... And probably eat less chocolate, but I make no promises there. A girls gotta have one vice right???

So, to follow Jenn I will make a list so my goals will be clearly documented...

1. Hit the gym atleast 1 day this week. (yes, I am that hard core ladies)

2. Drink more water... (and disgusting milk) so I don't become the woman with no bones.

3. eat a little less chocolate...I'm not cutting it out all together... YOU CAN"T MAKE ME!!!!! (ok, i need to one is trying to take my chocolate away....) deep breath....

Alright, if any of the other contributors have health goals...where are they??? What are they??? We need to know so we can hound you till they get met... LOL Just kidding, have a great week everyone!