Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Welcome to the site!

Hi all! I thought it would be a good idea to start a site for us women, mothers, and mothers-to-be. A site where we can all make blog posts with goals we have and chart our progress. Anything that interests you that you are working to achieve, my hope is that this site will catch on and act as an aid in each others success. Courage to begin and encouragement to succeed. *If you are interested in posting to this site, just comment on this post and on your first post tell everyone a little about you.*


Olivia said...

hey jenn, count me in. you know me, I'm a mother and a writer and I dare to dream big and I work hard to make those dreams reality. My biggest inspiration is a woman I know who wrote her first two novels as a stay-at-home mom, has four kids now and many books out, so many that her husband quite his job as a lawyer to be her manager/assitant/stay-at-home dad. They live in a beautiful house and are extremely happy.

Jenn said...

Hey Olivia!
I sent you an invite to the blog at an e-mail address Marquesas gave me, about a week ago. Let me know the e-mail you use for bloggin'! E-mail me @ and I'll invite ya' again! Yay, glad you'll be contributing to the blog! Talk to you soon!