Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My time has come...

Alright ladies, it's my turn. I'm stepping up to the plate (actually, I should say I'm stepping away from the plate, lol).

I've been trying to find a spare moment to create my first fitness-related post. Well, I've decided that in order to create this post sometime this century, I need to quit trying to find time, and make some! So hop aboard, here we go!

I've been on Weight Watchers for a month as of today. The way it works is that you are allotted a certain number of "points" per day, based on (among other things) your weight, age, and activity level. Every food has a certain number of points (they somehow figure this number using the fat, calories, and fiber). From there, you're allowed to eat whatever you want, as long as you stay within your daily "points". You also get extra weekly points that you can use whenever you want, at one big meal or spread out throughout over the week. Basically, you go a week at a time, starting your week off with a meeting where you weigh-in, then stay for a meeting where, each week, a leader picks a topic and you share ideas with everyone else from the group. It's a neat way to get inspiration and great recipes. For example, there was a woman there tonight that has lost 225 pounds! Wow. It's funny b/c when I saw her sitting there, before the meeting started, I thought to myself, "What is she doing here? She doesn't need WW!"

Tonight was my 4th weigh-in. The first 2 weeks, I gained weight! Leave it to me to gain weight on a weight-loss program! I chalk it up to the stress of the baby, and that those first 2 weeks we had 2 overnights at the hospital where they served delicious, fat-filled meals. Anyway, the 3rd week, I lost 4.8 pounds! And then tonight, I was up .2 pounds...danggit! Oh well, next week should be better (it won't be that time of the month, so I should lose some of that water they say you retain)!

As for my goals, I have aplenty...but for just this week, my goals are as follows:
1. Drink at least 4 bottles (or 8 glasses) of water each day
2. Walk for at least 15 minutes each day
3. Play the WiiFit Hula Hoop game at least 1 time each day

Good luck to you all in your goal keeping as well! Have a great week!

P.S. On Rachel Ray this afternoon I saw this neat website. You upload a picture of yourself and it will send you back an altered picture of what you would look like if you dropped ____ pounds (you specifiy how much weight you're planning on losing). I thought it could be a cool way to stay motivated. And it's FREE!! Woo-hoo!


Mrs. Blimes said...

i love your enthusiasm lindz! i saw how well WW worked for you last time so I am excited for you to be seeing great results again soon!!!!

Good Luck!

and call me sometime :)

Jenn said...

Go you! You lost almost 5 lbs! Weight Watchers works! I wasn't organized enough to keep up with the points all the time on the go, but that is where I went first that got me motivated to lose 25 lbs. Those weigh-ins keep you honest. Glad you posted on here! And yes, 'that time of the month' does make you heavier...I always get worried because the scale will go up during that time and I'm like "Am I just justifying it?" But it always goes back down:P

Good luck this week with your goals and with John Morgan!

By the way, is the WiiFit(I think that's what you called it!) pretty cool? I saw an advertisment, but wasn't sure about it. Let us know!

elizabeth engelhardt creations said...

Good luck with your weight loss! I lost about 20 lbs doing WW points, but I'm taking a break from it since I am now bored with counting points. I think I gained some back, but oh well for now. heehee.. Keep up your hard work and you will see progress, no worries!!

Thanks for stopping by and getting in on the giveaway. Good Luck!!