Friday, June 6, 2008

Jenn's HM-Week 4 and More!

My update on my health goals:

1. I have only drank one soda per day! Everything else water.
2. I did the video twice this week
3. I wasn't able to run...staying at Grandma's house this week.
So, not an extraordinary week, but okay for all of the temptation of the goodies at Joe's moms house!

My update on the first post I made. Today, Mal and I did the letter "A". We found stuff at Grandma's house to make. Here are some pictures:

So, do we get an "A"? *wink*
Have a great week!


The Miller Family said...

How fun! Looks like you guys had fun learning the letter "A"! Glad you're able to stay away from all the goodies at Grandma's! And good job on the soda!

Mrs. Blimes said...

too too cute! did yall stay the whole week at joes moms?sounds like a nice little vacation!!! call me sometime k?