Thursday, June 26, 2008


I know it's partly because I'm so sick, partly because I'm potty training, partly because I'm re-house traing the dog, and partly just my creativity, but I suck at being a housewife. No, my house is not a dump, it's just....lived-in, I guess you'd say. Certain things get done daily. I always play with my daughter. I always cook might not be very good, but it does get done. Most of my clutter gets put away, although I never know what to do with Fai's. There are always a few toys scattered around. I get the sink cleared out at least once a day, and it's usually empty when we go to bed. But there's always a ton of things that never quite get done. I do the laundry, I even fold it, but it sometimes takes me a little while to get it all put away...Does this make me a slob? I keep my bathrooms clean, but I put off doing the floors. I take care of my dog, but put off giving him a bath because it means a big mess with Anjali helping. I try to keep toys picked up, but I put off the vacuuming...I hate not being good a something, I would like to be a domistic diva, but I'm content with a house that's not spotless but livable. Especially right now, being pregnant and sick, it's so easy to look at a job that needs doing and think, "I'll just do it tomorrow." Am I the only one who does this? I've seen some homes that look like they could be in a magazine, and all I think is, "who has the energy to do all this?" True confessions, people, am I a slob, or do you do this too?


Mrs. Blimes said...

you are so far from alone on this one!

The Miller Family said...

Geez! If I would've written a post like this, it would've been almost a carbon copy (except for the dog part, since we don't have a dog).

If I could get paid to teach classes like "how to do things half-way" or maybe "how to start a project and never finish" or even "how to'clean up' and still have a messy house", I'd be a rolling in the dough!

Jennifer said...

Ditto on the two posts above, esp. Lindsey's.

Jenn said...

Olivia, for being pregnant and sick and still cooking, cleaning, taking care of Anjali, doing the dishes...girl, you are working wonders! Shoot, I'm not pregnant and sick and I have a hard time fulfilling all of that!! As a matter of fact, staying home is such a challenge for me and I also share your frustration. It's hard to fight the stay at home blues, for me at least. I hope you make peace with your frustration soon. Love you!