Friday, June 27, 2008

Study methods... when you are on your own...

I have big plans and I'm trying to sharpen my study skills. I'd love to hear your tips.

Basically I have to read through a number of books to prepare for an exam to be certified as a nutrition counselor of sorts. (I'll explain more about that later.) My plan is to thumb through each book and get an overall idea of what goodies are in there. Then start at the beginning and read each section, highlighting the parts that are most important. After doing this for the entire book, I'll go back and write down everything I have highlighted. (If I write things down, they just stick in the old brain better... I'm sure that has something to do with my age.) Then I'll go on to the next book and do the same thing.

So... how do you study to retain information best?


Jenn said...

That sounds like a good approach! Highlighting always helps me.

Thank you for your insight. I'm inspired with the Eat To Live book but I'm skeptical if I would follow through! Are you doing it right now?

MomOnAMission said...

I'm working on Eat to Live slowly. I don't make changes very easily and so I have decided that adding in good things and removing bad things as time passes is what I can do. I've lost 11 pounds that way. I'm at the point now that I need to make a deeper committment: more good foods and NO junk. And it's amazing that so much of what I've eaten all my life is just that... junk! I was raised on fried foods and white bread. There were veggies, but I didn't like them. I am addicted to sugar... it's one of the hardest parts for me to change right now. And sugar is in everything! You might want to check into the book set called "Eat for Health". It's Dr Furhman's latest and although I haven't read much of it yet, my understanding is that it takes the Eat to Live philosophies and breaks them down and teaches change more gradually. I'll probably get my certification as an "Eat for Health Counselor" in a few months and I'll do a free class for my first one! You're all invited!

The Miller Family said...

Oh bugger...maybe you can make it a virtual class so I can attned, LOL!

As far as study habits, if I write it down, I'm able to remember it much easier, and for longer.

MomOnAMission said...

I was thinking about you and trying to figure out how to do a virtual class... I'll work on that!
And chance you might be here in town later this year at all?