Tuesday, June 24, 2008

PayPerPost-A "Momprenuer" Opportunity & More!

So, call me crazy...it wouldn't be the first time...but I found this awesome site on the mom blogs site. It's a place that you sign up with and it allows you to blog about all different kinds of things...and get paid for doing it! There are many different things to pick from. I like it because I think it will be good for the blog to find new stores and ideas and get some more women looking at our site, too. All of the tips and advice I've gotten so far has really proved helpful! This is a good way to have our circle grow. Also, not only can you make money just by blogging, like we already love to do, but you can also donate the money to charity if you so choose! The three charities are American Red Cross, Habitat For Humanity, or Alzheimer's Walk. Advertisers have ample opportunity to get you to blog about their products with blog ads. If any of you have any questions about what this is, just leave me a comment. I still have a lot of questions, too. I encourage all of you to sign up for this even if you just browse their site!! Everyone on here has a personal blog, I'm pretty sure. Try it out! Especially as Moms, sometimes it's nice to try innovative ways to earn extra money! Give me some feedback!

1 comment:

Mrs. Blimes said...

sounds pretty cool! you always have clever insights...you should go do it!