Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Several Things...

Still working on keeping the house clean, it's a struggle with amazing Anjali the mess-maker. Trying to do a little bit everyday.

The novel editing is going well, it's hard to find the time, but I'm getting there. Fai is now reading it as I edit, and giving me some great comments and suggestion. Got a copy of Writer's Market 2009. This weekend Fai is going to start my website. My hope is that soon it will be all ready to start the search for an agent/publisher. Again, trying to do a little everyday. I want to be done editing by mid-Sept.

And now Anjali is sleeping in a big girl bed, I've started a quilt. My big fear is that I'll run out of fabric for it. I want to finish the quilt by the end of September.

Those are my three goals: A cleaner house, the novel finished, and a quilt for Anjali.

1 comment:

Amy @ LiveWell said...

"A cleaner house" has been on my to-do list forever. I just can't keep up with the other four people in my house!! How does anyone do it??? I guess we really do pick our priorities???
