Saturday, June 21, 2008

My Health Update...

Okay, so I switched to Friday morning WW meetings. It's a "Mommy and Me" class (although there were only 2 other women that brought kids, lol) and it works better with Joe-Z's schedule.

So....results are in and I'm down 3 pounds this week! Woo-Hoo! This was without exercise, however I was STRICT with staying on plan and drinking as much water as possible. And I didn't eat any of my weekly points, so there was some sacrifice involved.

Anywho, this puts me at 10.2 pounds down in 6 weeks! I'm on track...let's just hope I can keep going strong! and I'm really enjoying feeling healthier...lighter in a way not related actual weight...does that make sense?

Goals for this week include:
1. Keep on drinking that water
2. Follow the WW "Walking Clinic - Part 1" (Beginner stage, lol)
3. Do my arm exercies at least 3 times this week
4. Swing by the library to pick up a copy of Eat to Live

Have a GREAT week ladies!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Lindsey, that really is absolutely great and super and awesome! I'm excited for you!! I can't tell how much I really lose because of the sucky scale I have...and this week was the dreaded "that time if the month" when the scale usually goes up. I'm thinking since it didn't this week, that I'm good:P I'm glad you worked out your schedule better and hope you can get the same out of the meetings with your little ones. Good luck for next week!!