Wednesday, July 30, 2008

From an Exotic Location...

Anjali is napping, and I am writing this from my newly cleaned bedroom. The dresser and vanity have been decluttered, dusted, and a candle is burning from the dresser. The rest of the clutter that has built up is gone. The one eye sore remaining? Fai's bedside table. Oh, well. Can't have everything. I do still need to vacuum in here. Fai is going out with the missionaries tonight (I don't like to clean when he's home), so I'm going to do that after I put Anjali in bed for the night. (Vacuum+stairs+two year old=too much hassle!) Oh, and the living room just needs to have a few toys picked up, the dining table is still clutter free, and my kitchen is clean, with chicken defrosting in the sink for dinner.

On a writing note: slowly reading through the 2nd draft, making notes for the third. Week after next will be my marathon writing week while Anjali is in New York. I'm hoping to be done with my read through by then.

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