Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My updates...

Alright, nice to be back.

Let's start first with my marathon cleaning...or, unfortunately, the lack thereof! Although I didn't get anything cleaned yesterday (unless you count 2 loads of laundry, yeah, let's count those) but I was able to: get a new cell phone (if you missed it, this is why), mail off a camera to the guy who bought it on eBay, and go look at a house. Those events (an the prep work) took most of my even thought nothing was cleaned, I feel it was a success nonetheless!

Next we'll move on to my fitness / weight loss updates! I don't remember where I was the last time I posted, but now I'm at a total weight loss of 15.6 pounds! I'm really excited about it! I can definitely tell a difference, and it feels so good! I have to admit, however, that I've had Chinese buffet the last 3 Friday nights in a row! Eeeeek. However, Joe-Z and I are FINALLY able to have regular date nights (and Chinese just happens to be the thing we both really want), so I think it's a fair trade. Even with that (and McDonald's twice...I know, I know...) I lost 1.6 pounds in 2 weeks...not a lot, but I'll take it!

And the next, most exciting thing to happen lately...I joined the gym! Woo hoo! None other than the wonderful YMCA! I love, love, love it! And the Kid Stuff area for Levi is magnificent...if I can just get him to go, LOL. I know he'll love it once he's there, but I'm putting off taking him...we are just getting him to go to nursery again (since John Morgan was born, Levi has been going through this attachment phase, but the last 3 Sunday's, he's gone to nursery). Hopefully I'm wondering at this point, if it's me that scared to take him, or him...does that make sense? Oh well, I'm going to try soon. But anyway, I love the gym. It feels so great to work out! Yay for being get discounted gym rates!

Hope you all are having a great week!


Olivia said...

Laundry counts! I hate how fast the basket fills's almost full AGAIN and we jsut washed on Sunday! Geeze, I'm thinking about becoming a nudist, less dirty clothes that way...

Kudos on the gym! I am too lazy (and sick) for that, so major admiration there!

Jenn said...

I read this a while ago, but forgot to comment!! You are doing great! Almost 16 lbs is awesome, and I'm sure by now it's even more! You look great too, by the way. Losing weight feels good. Here's to our health!

I haven't done the video yet, though! My plans are for tomorrow morning, so at least once!