Friday, June 13, 2008

I hate Strep!

Just a quick post. I want you all to lower your expectations of this weeks weight loss. This Strep Throat is kicking my trash! While I've been eating completely on plan (which I think is a great accomplishment all in itself, considering I lost a WHOLE point due to the previous weight loss), I can barely find the strength to get out of bed to tend to the kids, let alone exercise! So, this week, my goal went from "Yes, I can SO lose 2.8 pounds" to "Heaven help me not tip the scales up"!

Anyway...just didn't want to break any hearts come Tuesday, lol.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I hear ya' girl...just do the best you can and don't stress. You'll be back to your health in no time! Take care of yourself!!