Monday, June 9, 2008

sharin' the success

Decided to post while I have success, this could be my final one..hopefully not. According to sparkpeople and seriously approximating, yesterday I ate almost 2200 calories YIKES! and today I ate less than 1500 cal. it was hard in the afternoon, my brain wanted sugar but I made it. It's amazing how many calories there are out there that you consume and don't think about how much it adds up! They have wonderful recipes. I've tried the applesauce muffins...yummy! and the asparagus chicken salad.mmm! So far so good!


Jenn said...

Hi Jennifer!

Great job on lowing your calories. At first it is hard because you unknowningly start to reach for food/snacks without thinking! Being aware is the first step. You can do it! Just like Marquesas said, just try to stay motivated and you'll loose those 30lbs sooner than you think! This won't be your last success post, I just know it.

Jenn said...

"lowering" in that first sentence:P

The Miller Family said...

Way to go Jennifer! Keep it up!

p.s. - I went to sparkpeople and got that recipe for the applesauce muffins...can't wait to ty them!

Mrs. Blimes said...

great job jenn!!! maybe i shoulda tasted some of that asparagas salad!!!